Rate of Secured Loans to Remain Low

Released on = February 18, 2007, 11:22 pm

Press Release Author = Aldrich Chappel

Industry = Financial

Press Release Summary = With the increase in the bank rate, the increase in the
annual percentage rate of the loans is on the cards. Increase in APR means loans
becoming dearer.

Press Release Body = With the increase in the bank rate, the increase in the annual
percentage rate of the loans is on the cards. Increase in APR means loans becoming
dearer. In case of secured loans a small percentage increase in the rate of interest
means a lot of money as secured loans are availed in case you need a large amount.
As such availing low rate secured loans is the way to go to avail such loan.

On the recent development, Mr. Mark Spencer CEO of Get Secured Loans remarked "We
know there is a fear amongst borrowers that there would be increase in APR of the
loans we arrange. Though it is true, until the end of this quarter we would be
asking our network of lenders to keep the APR same as before and hope that our
lenders would be co-operating with us."

This statement from Mr. Spencer is of particular importance as Get Secured Loans has
a number of banks, financial institutions and high street lenders in its network to
provide the loan to borrowers. The statement though is a bit of annoying news for
the lenders; this news will certainly bring cheers for those individuals who are
thinking of taking a loan from this online agency.

Get Secured Loan is an online loan agency which arranges secured loans for
individuals in the UK. It has arranges fast secured loans, low rate secured loans,
bad credit secured loans, home secured loans, cheap secured loans, secured home
loans etc. If you wish to know further information on various kinds of secured loans
it offers, visit http://www.get-secured-loans.co.uk.

Web Site = http://www.get-secured-loans.co.uk

Contact Details = Calleva Park
02 66822635

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